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Transfer Crypto

Send Crypto

  1. Navigate to the Send section on the home page.  
  2. Select the cryptocurrency to send.
    1. If you do not see the specific cryptocurrency on the list, leave this screen and add it to your Asset List. 
  3. Enter the recipient’s wallet address manually or scan their wallet address by clicking on the QR icon. 
    1. Ensure the wallet address is correct! Transfers to incorrect wallet addresses are irreversible! 
  4. Enter the amount you wish to send.
    1. Ensure that the amount does not exceed your available balance.
    2. Gas fees are paid in ETH. You must hold enough ETH to cover fees. 
  5. Set the transaction fee and transaction speed.  
  6. Review the transaction details, including the recipient’s wallet address, amount and transaction fee. Confirm that all information is correct before proceeding.
  7. Select Send.
  8. Monitor the transaction status within the Activity section of the wallet. Once the transaction has been confirmed and processed, it will reflect in the Activity section as a sent transaction.


Note: Click here for instructions on how  deposit crypto into your tastytrade account.

🍒 ETH Gas Fees Explained

Receive Crypto

  1. Navigate to the Receive section on the home page.
  2. Select the cryptocurrency you wish to receive.  
  3. Copy the generated receiving address or use the provided QR code to share with the sender. 
    1. Ensure the wallet address is correct! Transfers to incorrect wallet addresses are irreversible! 
  4. Wait for the sender to initiate the transaction.
  5. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.
    1. Transaction confirmations may vary depending on the transaction fee set by the sender.
  6. Monitor the transaction on Blockchain Explorer.
  7. Check your wallet’s  Activity page to see the incoming transaction. The new balance will be reflected on your home page.

Sell Crypto

Currently you can only buy, send, or receive crypto with your tastycrypto wallet. Selling crypto and transferring fiat currency to your bank account is not supported within the tastycrypto wallet.  

To sell crypto and withdraw fiat currency to your bank account, you need to transfer (send) your crypto to an external exchange that supports this type of transaction.

Exchanges that currently support “Sell Crypto” transactions: Coinbase, Gemini, and Robinhood.

NOTE: The exchanges mentioned above are solely suggestions and were offering this specific type of transaction at the time this article was written. It is advisable to verify with the exchange whether this transaction type is currently supported.